Aims of Work:

My project is on the elements and I have chosen to go down the stylistic route of Natalia Drepina – creating sinister cinemagraphs to create a feeling of unrest within the audience. I therefore chose to use the location of a graveyard for my final shoot as each of the elements are present in that location and it evokes discomfort within the viewer. Within western society, death is hidden away and therefore there is senses of mystery around it and different people have different beliefs about what happens after death. Death is therefore unknown about and lacks universality. This is the opposite to the objectivity of the properties of the four elements, which have been scientifically tested meaning that society has a deep knowledge about the physical properties of each of them.
I therefore felt that putting the four elements into the context of a graveyard made them change from things we experience daily to sinister and unnerving aspects of a scene. I felt that creating this link was successful as it gave my work a deeper meaning rather than just creating cinemagraphs that caught the viewer’s eye. I believe my work is now eye-catching but also thought provoking for the audience. For my final piece I will therefore create four cinemagraphs of each element within the graveyard.

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