Final piece compositional ideas:

For my final piece, I have decided to focus my exploration of the elements around the idea of death. I therefore chose to take my cinemagraphs in a graveyard to create a clear story within the set. I chose to use subtle movement in each of the cinemagraphs to allow the viewer to explore the composition and the story behind the basic image.

This cinemagraph is successful as the movement of the leaf is subtle and therefore allows the viewer to take the composition in as a whole before focusing in on the movement. The low depth of field does however allow the leaf to become the focal point of the composition. 

The composition and low depth of field within this cinemagraph is effective as it allows the viewer to see the fine details of the gave, the backlighting also highlights these details. However, the movement of the water is too fast and therefore takes the attention away from the cinemagraph - if I were to reshoot this cinemagraph I would ensure that I had a longer clip of the water falling so I could slow the falling speed down during the editing process.

This cinemagraph is interesting because not all the water droplets that are visible are moving, increasing the viewer's interest in the concept of a cinemagraph. However the white grave in the background creates distraction from the focal point of the angel, the composition of this cinemagraph is therefore unsuccessful.

This cinemagraph is successful due to the low depth of field, focusing the viewer's attention onto the movement of the candle and the writing on the grave. However the crop of this takes away from the fact that it is a cinemagraph as the lack of movement from other aspects are not obvious. 

This stillness of the reflections in the glass of this cinemagraph are effective as they clearly show that the flame is the only moving aspect of the composition. The composition however is ineffective as it lacks depth and the candle does not create the sense of mystery I aimed to create within my work.

This cinemagraph is effective as it provokes discomfort within the audience. The use of a low depth of field is effective as the grass is the foreground takes the focus and therefore the movement of the hand is likely to be the second aspect of the composition the audience sees, further creating this sense of unrest. The use of negative space is successful within the composition as is creates space for the moment of the hand. 

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