Final cinemagraphs:

My final four compositions were all taken in the same place at a similar time of day to create consistency within the compositions therefore creating a story within them. Each composition has one of the four elements shown within it, from the subtle movement of a branch due to wind (air) to the a candle burning at a grave side. The use of the graveyard effectively creates a mystical atmosphere to the cinemagraphs, this is further enhanced by the desaturation of the compositions. 

This cinemagraph is successful as the low depth of field allows the candle to be the main focal point of the composition. The movement of the central and right candle also draws the viewers' attention to this point, allowing them to see the subtle movement of the wax dripping onto the grave. The positioning of the angel grave in the background is effective as it links to the water cinemagraph and connotes ideas of offering and sacrifice to the audience.

This cinemagraph is successful due to the low depth of field used allowing both the foreground and background to be out of focus and therefore drawing the audience's attention to the movement of the branch. However due to the busyness of the scene, the movement of the branch was difficult to pinpoint and therefore I believe this is my least successful cinemagraph. 

This cinemagraph works effectively due to the close crop, it leaves enough background to show that it is a cinemagraph (hand is still) but removes distraction from the composition. It also allows the details in the grave to be seen and allows the audience to focus on the falling of the soil. I think this is successful at allowing the audience to create a story about the cinemagraph - there is no clarity about composition, the soil could therefore represent something such as ashes. 

This cinemagraph is successful in creating tension for the audience as there is a pause whilst waiting for the water to drop, this invites the viewer to focus onto the details of the composition. The composition of this cinemagraph is effective as the angel fills most the space however the negative space on the right side allows the viewer not to feel overwhelmed by the cinemagraph. The angel grave is looking away from the camera creating a sense of mystery as the audience are unable to see where it is looking. 

For the presentation of my cinemagraphs, I have decided to frame four separate ipads to create a 'magical' feel to the compositions as though they are moving photographs. I have chosen to present my work in this way as I believe it adds to the stylist approach I have been using throughout my work, the frames will be a plain black adding to the theme of death within my final cinemagraphs.

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